Our Democracy

Our Democracy

My practice as a journalist began to merge with art in a project I started in 2017 titled Our Democracy. During my time as a conflict photographer, working in areas where the United States often exports its idea of democracy, I was asked many questions about what democracy means or looks like in practice by people in these conflict areas. I brought those questions home to the U.S. and created Our Democracy. In the project, I asked people: What does democracy look like? What does it mean? Do they feel they have access to democracy, in practice, in their own lives? I hosted “democracy dinners” and held discussions in churches, knitting circles, coal-mining training facilities and schools around the continental U.S. Then, collaborating with people in these discussions, we documented their answers. The broader public joined this effort by submitting photos to the @ourdemocracy instagram archive. The project lasted five years and still continues, supported by CatchLight, Photowings and the National Geographic Society.

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